Jake Le Clair

Setting Limits Effectively: “No” is a Complete Sentence

How many times have you backtracked on something that was originally a hard “no”?

The idea that “no” is a complete sentence sounds great in theory but is nearly impossible to put into practice for many people. All healthy relationships are founded on the ability to set limits and maintain healthy boundaries. When you can’t stick to these limits and regularly let people overstep your boundaries, though, it leaves you feeling out of control.

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How to Talk About Recovery With Your Loved One

When you watch a loved one struggle with substance abuse, all you want to do is help. It’s heartbreaking to see them trapped in the stop-and-start-again cycle, or maybe trying to quit in the first place. Many people who are clean and sober today credit their time in addiction treatment as the catalyst for change in their life. But do you know how to talk about treatment with your loved one?

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How To Help Your Loved One Get Sober and Stay Sober

No family wants to watch their loved one battle with addiction. Parents want the best for their children, children shouldn’t have to see their parents struggle with substance abuse, and at the end of the day, siblings support one another, too. Watching a family member suffer from substance addiction is an almost unbearable experience for everyone involved.

At the same time, people in active addiction often wear their family members down to their last nerves. Addiction leads people to take advantage of the countless chances they’re given, manipulate family members to get their needs met, and more, which keeps the painful cycle going. What role could your family possibly have in your loved one’s recovery?

If your loved one struggles with substance abuse, you know this familiar pain all too well. You’ve asked kindly, you’ve begged and pleaded, you’ve made threats, or maybe you’ve even given up. You’ve tried everything you can think of to get your loved one to stop using drugs but it seems like nothing you do makes a difference.

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The Alarming Way Public Opinion Affects Drug Addiction

There’s no arguing with the fact that the United States faces a massive alcohol and drug addiction problem. The alarming number of lives lost to drug- and alcohol-related causes show little sign of dropping any time soon. Millions of people struggle to control their use which affects millions more who love them.

But have you ever stopped to wonder whether there is another way to look at the story?

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Nature vs. Nurture: What is the Cause of Addiction?

The nature vs. nurture debate is common when considering how all kinds of conditions develop. Is it a person’s genetics or environment that causes them to behave the way they do? Are they a product of where they were raised or is their parental gene pool to blame? Can any true answer be that black-and-white?

Nature vs. nurture applies to determining the cause of addiction and alcoholism, too. And determining how someone develops a problem with alcohol or drugs isn’t answered by one or the other. Breaking down the cause of addiction and alcoholism is not as simple as pointing to either nature or nurture.

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Unraveling Codependency: Understanding the Family’s Role

Many approaches to addiction treatment tend to focus on the addict themselves while the family takes a back seat. Those who work directly with the family members of addicts understand the extent of the problem. They see how the family keeps the addict sick, both in and out of active addiction.

At the same time, most family members focus on the addict as the source of the turmoil. They see the stressful environment that addiction creates and believe the addict is the real problem. Unless prompted, many family members never consider how their own behaviors affect the family environment.

Unfortunately, codependency can be just as harmful as addiction. Though someone with addiction instigates the problems, someone with codependency prolongs them. The two conditions are closely related yet independent of each other at the same time. True healing of the addict comes only with unraveling codependency and healing the family as a whole.

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Unpacking the Six Family Roles in Active Addiction

When someone in a family battles alcohol or drug addiction, they tend to receive the most attention. Their unpredictable and often chaotic behavior takes center stage. Unfortunately, addiction affects the whole family, not just the addict. It takes a lot to be directly involved in the life of someone with an addiction.

As their addiction progresses, each member of the family takes on a particular role as they try to cope. Whether the addiction is public knowledge or hidden behind closed doors, every person still struggles. Family members follow familiar patterns while learning to manage their own lives amidst the disarray.

There are 6 main family roles that emerge when someone is in active addiction. Each family is a little different depending on their circumstances. Not all families have someone to fill every role while others have some taking on multiple roles. Understanding the various parts each member plays is crucial when eventually trying to work with and heal the family unit.

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Navigating Uncertainty

Uncertainty is a constant player in addiction recovery. It is something that affects someone from the very beginning of their own recovery, as well as each step they take on their journey. Uncertainty can even be a barrier for people seeking aid for their addiction in the first place, as each person may not be aware of the recovery path or what it will look like. This uncertainty at any step breeds anxiety, all of which can come together and make recovery very difficult.

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The Power of a Rite of Passage

There are a lot of different factors involved in someone’s recovery from addiction. Each day brings new challenges that need to be overcome to stay on a healthy path to sobriety. However, it is this challenge that makes recovery worth the time that one spends in therapy. There is a power in having to pass through a rite of passage in recovery. Despite the difficulties, there is strength in overcoming each and every one of the trials that someone experiences on their own recovery path. Going through these rites of passage instills power and motivation in each person to continue pushing forward through future challenges to come.

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So You Relapsed – Now What?

During recovery from an addiction of any kind, the threat of relapse is always present. While relapse prevention strategies are used to help instill the necessary coping skills during these difficult times, relapse as a whole is still a common occurrence through recovery. It is unfortunate, but relapses happen. However, when one occurs, it is important to get an idea of what to do next.

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